freetripleplayvideopoker| Crazy! No. 92 impersonates No. 95, and you can steal up to 20% by adding a box of oil... You can't tell if CCTV is exposed!

Intro: Refuel at the gas stationFreetripleplayvideopokerIt is necessary for many car ownersFreetripleplayvideopokerDaily expenses. However, th...

Refuel at the gas stationFreetripleplayvideopokerIt is necessary for many car ownersFreetripleplayvideopokerDaily expenses. However, the reporter's investigation found that some gas stations secretly adopted illegal measures to "steal oil", causing car owners to suffer economic losses unwittingly.

Method 1: cheating software can set the proportion of "stealing oil" at will.

In May last year, the Market Supervision Administration of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region received a report that a gas station in Baotou was suspected of cheating and "stealing oil". Under normal circumstances, only one management system is needed for gas stations. However, law enforcement officials found that in addition to the front desk computer, there was another computer behind the wardrobe in the lounge.

The so-called "Beilin gas station refueling management system" installed in this computer is actually a cheating software with the function of "stealing oil" installed privately by the gas station. Operators can set any parameters on this cheating software to control the proportion of oil theft and pay less to consumers.

Law enforcement officials then made a metrological verification of 15 refueling guns used by 8 refueling machines in the gas station. the results showed that the indicated value errors of these 15 refueling guns exceeded the national standard limit by more than three times, of which 11 refueling guns showed an error of more than 1%, up to 1%.Freetripleplayvideopoker.23%, which is more than 4 times the limit of the national standard, that is, for every 100 litres of oil added, consumers should be paid 1% less.Freetripleplayvideopoker.23 liters, far exceeding the national standard.

In order to ensure that the refueling error is within the range of ±0.3% limited by the national standard, our country has strict regulations on the production, use and even maintenance process of the tanker. Not only that, the fuel dispenser Verification Regulation also clearly stipulates that the tanker must have self-locking function, that is, when the application program and parameters involved in the measurement are illegally changed, the tanker should be locked and can not continue to refuel.

Method 2: tamper with the tanker metering chip

In Chongqing, when the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of market supervision conducted a law enforcement inspection of a gas station, it was found that the version number of the metering chip in the refueling machine of a gas station was not consistent with that of the original factory.

The metering chip is an important part of the calculation and control motherboard, which is the core component of the tanker. once it is changed, the most direct impact is that the actual fuel volume is inconsistent with the data seen by consumers.

Law enforcement personnel on-site tests confirmed that the tanker, which was originally equipped with an anti-cheating system, can be manually manipulated to adjust the error value by replacing the metering chip. The error that should be within ±0.3% can even be adjusted to 20%.

CCTV reporter also learned that when gas stations carry out metering cheating, in order not to let consumers notice, the amount of oil stolen is usually set at about 2% to 5%. In this way, if consumers fill a box of 60 liters of oil, the gas station should give at least 1.2 liters less.

If the price of gasoline is 8 yuan per liter, consumers will have to pay at least 9.6 yuan more.

Method 3: pass 92 gasoline as 95 gasoline.

When market regulators in Shaanxi Province conducted a law enforcement inspection on a gas station in Shanyang County, Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province, they found that the gas station claimed that it could add both 92 and 95 gasoline. But the gas station has only one pipeline from the depot to the tanker.

After investigation, this gas station does not have No. 95 gasoline at all. The so-called No. 95 gasoline marked on the tanker is actually shoddy, marking the price of No. 92 gasoline close to that of No. 95 gasoline, deceiving consumers.

Mode 4: the main board does not record the transaction value to evade tax

At the Inner Mongolia Institute of quality Inspection, professionals introduced a cheating software to investigate and deal with cheating, which can not only modify the tanker measurement data to "steal oil", but also modify the tax control data so that the tanker meter and control motherboard does not record transaction values, so as to achieve the purpose of tax evasion.

According to professionals, under normal circumstances, the tax authorities will levy taxes on gas stations according to the transaction values recorded by the tanker control motherboard, and once the main board records little or no actual transaction values, gas station operators can evade taxes such as value-added tax and enterprise income tax that should be paid.

Since last year, market regulators across the country have stepped up their efforts to investigate and deal with cheating in the measurement of tankers. Since August last year, a total of 1249 cases of cheating on tankers have been investigated and dealt with nationwide, involving a total amount of 2.002 billion yuan and confiscated of 697 million yuan. Local tax inspection departments have inspected 609 gas stations using tankers to cheat and evade taxes.

freetripleplayvideopoker| Crazy! No. 92 impersonates No. 95, and you can steal up to 20% by adding a box of oil... You can't tell if CCTV is exposed!

"Motor vehicle fuel dispenser" was officially implemented on June 1.

Will effectively prevent the cheating behavior of tankers.

According to the market regulatory department, tankers cheating professionally, different brands of tankers even have different cheating software, high-tech is very obvious, the means of operation is also extremely hidden, and it is difficult to investigate and deal with it. In view of these characteristics:

On the one hand, the regulatory authorities will step up efforts to crack down, on the other hand, China's newly revised national standard for "motor vehicle fuel dispensers" will also be formally implemented on June 1. The new standard focuses on revising the metering performance, environmental protection performance and anti-cheating performance of tankers, which will effectively prevent the cheating behavior of tankers.

While revising the national standard "plugging", market regulatory departments will continue to strengthen law enforcement cooperation with public security, commerce, and tax departments to crack down on illegal and criminal acts of cheating on tankers, and promote multi-party cooperation to control cheating on tankers.

Editor | Sun Zhicheng du Bo
