freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxe| E-commerce sells books at low prices, breaking the publishing industry's defenses, intensifying the conflict between book pricing and discounts

Intro: May 2024freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxeJD Books plans to require publishers to provide a total of 8-day 20% to 30% discount on all...

May 2024freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxeJD Books plans to require publishers to provide a total of 8-day 20% to 30% discount on all varieties of books during the 618 promotion from May 19 to June 20. In response, the Shanghai Press Management Association issued a notification letter on behalf of 46 publishing units, stating that it would not participate in this event and refused to bear the relevant rebate fees. Ten publishing houses in Beijing also expressed support, believing that this move is necessary to maintain healthy market development.

The publishing house said that such a low discount will seriously compress profit margins and may lead to losses, which in turn will have to increase book pricing to retain profits, forming a vicious cycle. People in the publishing industry generally believe that the bottom-line discount strategy of e-commerce platforms not only harms the interests of publishing houses, but also affects society's expectations for book prices and squeezes the pricing space of books.

In addition, the marketing strategies of low-priced books on online platforms, such as "9 yuan for 9 free shipping" and "blind box for broken prices", as well as the Oriental selection of "selling books for 1 yuan" incident, have also caused shock and criticism in the publishing industry. Some practitioners pointed out that low-price competition damages the cultural value of books and the dignity of the industry.

freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxe| E-commerce sells books at low prices, breaking the publishing industry's defenses, intensifying the conflict between book pricing and discounts

Publishing houses once had certain autonomy in selecting books to participate in promotion, but this time the platform required all varieties to participate in a 20% to 30% discount promotion, which the publishing house found difficult to accept. The editor pointed out that ultra-low discounts on e-commerce platforms actually increase the cost of choice for readers, making it more difficult to buy good books.

There are also complaints among readers about the high price of books, believing that the inflated price of books is unreasonable. However, there are also views that the low-price strategy of e-commerce platforms has indirectly pushed up book prices and narrowed the living space of the industry.

In order to resolve this contradiction, industry insiders suggest that under the coordination of the competent authorities, the book industry and e-commerce platforms should discuss win-win solutions, appropriately adjust book prices, and find a balance point for cooperation. Li Lingshu, planning editor of the Intellectual Property Press, called for breaking the vicious cycle of high pricing and low discounts and returning to reasonable pricing.

At present, countries have implemented a fixed price sales system for books. For example, Germany and Poland have passed legislation to restrict discounts on new books and protect the scientific nature and rationality of book prices. There are also domestic book companies trying a pricing sales model, that is, pricing is selling price, to promote fair competition between offline and online channels.

The issue of book pricing and discounts is not only a technical issue, but should also be raised to the institutional level. We should design a book price policy that adapts to my country's e-commerce, establish a new pattern that protects the interests of all parties, and ensure the long-term healthy development of the book industry.
