listofweb3games| The spot price of softwood pulp rose 1.66% month-on-month: supply-side logic still exists

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listofweb3games| The spot price of softwood pulp rose 1.66% month-on-month: supply-side logic still exists

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[The softwood pulp market is activelistofweb3games, spot prices are rising steadily]

On May 22, the needle pulp spot market price continued to rise, and market transactions were mainly to meet rigid demand. As of that date, the average market price of softwood pulp was 6,427listofweb3games.13 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.66% compared with the previous cycle.

The increase in market quotes was due to supply-side news and adjustments in raw material costs. The main contract price of pulp futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange showed a volatile upward trend, driving the spot market price up. Due to the dual pressure of tight supply and rising costs, industry insiders are reluctant to sell at too low prices. It is expected that there will still be room for price growth in the future, but it will be limited by the profitability of the raw paper industry, and the price increase will remain within a certain range in the short term. Within fluctuations.
