megamoolah| A new version of the Code of Professional Ethics for Brokerage Practitioners is about to be released! There are changes in these three major aspects

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megamoolah| A new version of the Code of Professional Ethics for Brokerage Practitioners is about to be released! There are changes in these three major aspects

interface reporter| Chen Jing

Brokerage practitioners are about to usher in a new version of the Code of Professional Ethics.

On May 22, the interface reporter learned from the brokerage office that in order to implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and further strengthen and consolidate the results of industry cultural construction, the Securities Industry Association of China organized a revision.megamoolahThe "Code of Professional Ethics for Securities Practitioners"(hereinafter referred to as the "Code") was promulgated, and opinions were solicited from securities firms, and feedback opinions were submitted before May 24.

This revision aims to further adapt to new situations, new tasks, and new requirements, and guide securities practitioners to cherish professional reputation and abide by professional ethics.

Specific to the revision content, it mainly includes three partsmegamoolah: The first is to further align with the "Five Needs and Five Noes" financial culture with Chinese characteristics, and accordingly add new parts not covered before, and adjust parts with inconsistent expressions. For example, the corresponding requirements of "professional due diligence" and "cherish reputation" are added based on industry characteristics. The corresponding requirements of "dedicated to the long term","benefiting the country and the people" and "integrity and self-discipline" form ethical codes with the characteristics of the securities industry and specific exhibition requirements for securities practitioners.

It is worth mentioning that, based on the characteristics of the industry, the China Securities Association has also added corresponding requirements such as "professional due diligence","cherishing reputation","dedicated to the long term","benefiting the country and the people", and "integrity and self-discipline", forming a securities industry. Characteristic ethical guidelines and specific exhibition requirements for securities practitioners.

The second is to insist on integrating and condensing some of the original clauses, and the condensed clauses will be more concise and accurate.

The third is to continue to advocate an industry ecology that respects, tolerates and develops together, advocates "being well-organized, responsible and respectable practitioners", and summarizes the functional positioning of the Code as a behavioral guide for practitioners.

At the same time, in order to optimize the logical relationship between the provisions of the original Code and avoid repeated discussions, this revision combines and updates the content of some provisions. On the premise of meeting the requirements of the "five essentials and five nos", the "Guidelines" are integrated in accordance with the principle of relevance. While retaining the basic essence of the original provisions, the condensed provisions are more concise and accurate.

In addition, the final clause of the revised draft inherits the main content of the original "Code" of "Respect, Tolerance, and Common Development", and this clause is consistent with the foregoing clauses. At the same time, the revised draft supplements and improves this clause, and finally issues an initiative to "be a well-organized, responsible and respectable practitioner", summarizes the functional positioning of the Code as a behavioral guide for practitioners, and guides industry practitioners Actively fulfill social responsibilities and establish a good social image.
