slots| What are the 18 solutions for not heating Sagitar heaters?

Intro: In the cold winter, car heaters play a vital role, but sometimes the problem of heating the heater is not hot, which makes car owners f...

In the cold winter, car heaters play a vital role, but sometimes the problem of heating the heater is not hot, which makes car owners feel troubled. Take the 2018 Sagitar model as an example,slotsI will provide you with some detailed diagnoses and solutions to help you solve the problem of not getting warm in the heater.

1. Check the key components of the heating system

First of all, we need to confirm whether the key components of the heating system, including the water pump, thermostat, coolant temperature sensor, etc., are working normally.

Water pump: Check to see if the water pump is pumping enough coolant. If the water pump does not work, the coolant cannot be circulated, and warm air naturally cannot be generated. Thermostat: The thermostat is responsible for adjusting the circulation amount of coolant. If the thermostat fails, the coolant will not flow normally and the heating system will not work.

2. Check whether the coolant is sufficient

Coolant is the key to the heater system. Insufficient or deteriorated coolant will cause the heater to not warm. You can open the engine compartment and check that the coolant level is between the lowest and highest scales. If the coolant level is too low, please replenish qualified coolant; if the coolant deteriorates, replace it with a new coolant.

3. Check whether the heating pipe is blocked

Blocked heating pipes will also prevent heating. Check the heating duct to make sure there are no foreign objects clogging it. If necessary, use professional pipe cleaners for cleaning.

4. Diagnostic coolant temperature sensor

The coolant temperature sensor sends coolant temperature information to the driving computer. If the sensor fails, the driving computer cannot accurately control the heater, resulting in the heater not being hot. You can use a diagnostic instrument to check the working status of the sensor.

5. Check the heater control circuit

The heater control circuit is a key part of controlling the operation of the heater. If there is a problem with the control circuit, the heater will not work. Check the control circuit for open circuits, short circuits, or blown fuses.

6. Maintenance and maintenance

Regular maintenance and maintenance of the heating system can effectively prevent the problem of heating. This includes cleaning the heating pipes, checking the thermostat and coolant temperature sensor, etc.

Through the above diagnoses and solutions, I believe that we can help you solve the problem that the 2018 Sagitar heater is not hot. If the problem still exists, it is recommended that you contact a professional car repair personnel for further inspection and repair.

In addition, there are some practical tips for the daily use of the heating system:

Tips to preheat the engine Before turning on the heating air, let the engine warm up for a few minutes to bring the coolant temperature to the working temperature. Adjust the wind speed Properly adjust the wind speed and do not turn it to the maximum at the beginning to prevent the heater from being overloaded. Regularly replace the coolant. Replace the coolant regularly according to the manufacturer's recommendations to prevent the coolant from deteriorating. Pay attention to the operating environment and avoid using the heating system in an environment with serious air pollution or chemical corrosive gases.

I hope the above content will be helpful to you. I hope you can enjoy a warm and comfortable driving environment in the cold winter.

slots| What are the 18 solutions for not heating Sagitar heaters?
