megawaysonlineslots| What is the impact of the volume ratio on investors?

Intro: In stock market investmentmegawaysonlineslots, volume ratio is an important technical indicator, which reflects the trading activity of...

In stock market investmentmegawaysonlineslots, volume ratio is an important technical indicator, which reflects the trading activity of stocks. The volume ratio has an important impact on investors 'decisions. In this article, we will explore in depth how the volume ratio affects investors.

The concept of quantity ratio

Volume ratio, or volume ratio, is an indicator that measures changes in stock trading volume. It expresses the ratio of the current trading volume to the average trading volume in the previous five days. The formula for calculating the ratio ismegawaysonlineslots: Volume volume =(current transaction volume/average transaction volume in the previous five days)*100%.

Impact of volume ratio on investors

The ratio ratio reflects the active level of stock trading and has an important impact on investors 'decisions. When the equivalent ratio is greater than 1, it means that the current trading volume is higher than the average trading volume in the previous five days, which means that the stock is trading actively and investors can pay more attention to the stock's market. On the contrary, if the volume ratio is less than 1, it means that the current trading volume is lower than the average trading volume in the previous five days, which means that stock trading is not active and investors need to be cautious.

Combination of volume ratio and other indicators

The volume ratio does not exist in isolation. It needs to be combined with other indicators for comprehensive analysis. For example, combined with the price trend of a stock, if the volume ratio and the stock price rise simultaneously, it means that the stock has a strong upward trend; if the volume ratio decreases and the stock price rises, it means that the stock has insufficient upward motivation, and investors need to be cautious.

Limitations of the volume ratio

megawaysonlineslots| What is the impact of the volume ratio on investors?

Although the volume ratio is an important technical indicator, it also has limitations. Changes in the volume ratio may be affected by many factors, such as market sentiment, capital inflows and outflows, etc. Therefore, investors need to conduct a comprehensive analysis based on other indicators and market conditions when using the volume ratio to avoid blindly relying on a single indicator.

Volume ratio is higher than 1 and lower than 1. Stock trading activity is high and low. Investor attention needs to be cautious. Stock price trend is strong. The upward trend is weak.


Volume ratio is an important technical indicator in stock market investment. It reflects the trading activity of stocks. The volume ratio has an important impact on investors 'decisions. When investors use the volume ratio, they need to conduct a comprehensive analysis based on other indicators and market conditions to avoid blindly relying on a single indicator.
