hardyperfect318| Is the promotion tactic the leading tactic?

Intro: Leading tactics are not omnipotent, not all big profits.Hardyperfect318All the buying methods are leading tactics. Many people mistaken...

Leading tactics are not omnipotent, not all big profits.Hardyperfect318All the buying methods are leading tactics. Many people mistakenly think that as long as the trading limit is the leading tactic, they worship the leader blindly, which is superficial and vulgar.Hardyperfect318Of. The leading method of warfare cannot bear the weight, nor can it rob people of beauty. With the spread of self-media, many people call profitable stocks as leaders, leading to a deeper misunderstanding.

The method of promotion is only a kind of formal logic competition, and can not represent the leading method of warfare, it reduces the essence and dimension of the leader. The cognition of the leader should focus on value and internal logic, and the stocks selected in the promotion competition may not be the real leader. Give way to the road, the bridge to the bridge, find out what is the real leader, do not put the bibcock as a basket into anything. Do not be misled by formalism and mechanism.We should think independently and clearly understand the nature of the leading methods of warfare.

hardyperfect318| Is the promotion tactic the leading tactic?

Key words leading tactics, promotion methods, leading misunderstandings (3), promotion methods and risk tips for writers of selected stocks: the above contents only serve as the views of the author or guests and do not represent any position of Hexun. does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.