opensourceblockchaingame| Shanghai Laishi: Zhengzhou Laishi adjusted the R & D project based on the consideration of pulp mining scale, production scale and market demand

Intro: Some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platformopensourceblockchaingame: 1. According to the annual report, currentl...

opensourceblockchaingame| Shanghai Laishi: Zhengzhou Laishi adjusted the R & D project based on the consideration of pulp mining scale, production scale and market demand

Some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platformopensourceblockchaingame: 1. According to the annual report, currently under R & D investment, the innovative drug at home and abroad is SR604 injection, and the innovative domestic drug activates prothrombin complex. I would like to ask if there are other innovative drugs under development? Or early preparation of plans for research. 2. According to the annual report, the Zhengzhou Laishi human coagulation factor VIII and human prothrombin complex project has been terminated in early 2024. I would like to ask what were the reasons for the termination of research and development of two R & D projects.

Shanghai Lai Shi (002252opensourceblockchaingame.SZ) stated on the investor interactive platform on May 14, 1. You can refer to the relevant chapters of the 2023 annual report for the overall research and development of the company. 2. Zhengzhou Laishi adjusted the R & D project based on the consideration of pulp mining scale, production scale and market demand.

(Article source: Daily Economic News)
