cheappokertable| Mercedes-Benz Information: Received a transaction notice for a 468 million yuan computing power service procurement project

Intro: Binzhi Information (300571) Announcement on the evening of May 26cheappokertable, the company recently received the "Transaction Notic...

cheappokertable| Mercedes-Benz Information: Received a transaction notice for a 468 million yuan computing power service procurement project

Binzhi Information (300571) Announcement on the evening of May 26cheappokertable, the company recently received the "Transaction Notice" for the computing power service procurement project of Zhejiang Suanli Technology Co., Ltd., and Binzhi Information became the transaction supplier of Zhejiang Suanli Technology Co., Ltd.'s computing power service procurement project. The project will build a kcal computing power cluster to provide intelligent computing power services needed for large model training, and at the same time support subsequent smooth expansion to the Wanka cluster. This project will have a positive impact on the company's development of computing power business. The service content ischeappokertable: Kcal cluster rental purchase, with a four-year lease term, including 128 GPU computing services (including supporting servers, network and storage, etc.). The total transaction price, including tax, is approximately 4cheappokertable.68 billion yuan.
