questblockchain| What is stock commission: Basic concepts of stock commission trading

Intro: In the stock market, traders buy and sell stocks through commission transactions. Stock entrusted trading is an operation method in whi...

In the stock market, traders buy and sell stocks through commission transactions. Stock entrusted trading is an operation method in which a securities company purchases and sells stocks on its behalf. Stock orders can be classified according to conditions such as transaction price, transaction quantity, and transaction time. Next,questblockchainWe will analyze the concept of stock entrustment and its operation in detail.

1questblockchain. The concept of stock entrustment

questblockchain| What is stock commission: Basic concepts of stock commission trading

Stock entrustment refers to an investor's order to purchase or sell stocks to a stock exchange through a securities trader. Investors need to provide information such as the order price and quantity. When the market price reaches the price set by the investor, the broker will execute the transaction in accordance with the investor's entrusted order. Stock orders are divided into buy orders and sell orders.

2. Classification of stock orders

Stock orders can be classified according to different conditionsquestblockchain

Classification basis explanation price limit orderquestblockchain: Make a transaction at the specified price or better. Market price order: Transaction is made at the current market price. Quantity integer commission: commission is carried out in units of 100 shares. Zero stock consignment: consignment of stocks with less than 100 shares. Entrusted on the same day of time: Entrusted on the same day of the trading day. Overnight orders: Orders are valid for multiple trading days.

3. Steps for stock entrustment

The steps for investors to conduct stock entrusted trading are as follows:

(1)Opening a securities account: Investors need to open a securities account at a brokerage office and ensure that there are enough funds and stocks in the account.

(2)Determine the entrustment information: Investors need to determine the price, quantity, type and other information of the entrustment.

(3)Issuing entrustment orders: Investors issue entrustment orders through securities firms or trading platforms.

(4)Waiting for a transaction: The broker sends the investor's order to the exchange and waits for a transaction.

(5)Transaction confirmation: When the transaction is entrusted, the broker will feed back the transaction information to the investor.

4. Risk of stock entrustment

Stock entrusted trading also carries certain risks. For example, market fluctuations may cause orders to fail to be completed, and investors need to bear the risk of price fluctuations. In addition, factors such as the service quality and system stability of securities firms may also affect the effectiveness of entrusted transactions.

In short, stock entrustment is one of the important means for investors to conduct stock trading. Investors need to understand the concept, classification, steps and other knowledge points of entrustment, and conduct reasonable entrustment operations based on their own investment goals and risk preferences. At the same time, investors also need to pay attention to market dynamics and reasonably control risks to maximize investment returns.

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