deuceswildpokerstrategy| Why are "bizarre prophecies" frequently released publicly? Straight flush response: Similar inappropriate remarks will be reviewed more strictly

Intro: Stock speculation to see Jin Kirin analyst research report, authoritative, professional, timely, comprehensive, to help you tap the pot...

Stock speculation to see Jin Kirin analyst research report, authoritative, professional, timely, comprehensive, to help you tap the potential of the theme opportunity!

In the past two days, the "bizarre predictions" of Nanjing Chemical Fiber (rights protection), Zhongtong bus and other stocks have continued to ferment, and on May 21, the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges have stepped in to suspend trading in related accounts. On May 22, the share prices of Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong bus closed with a sharp drop, among which Nanjing Chemical Fiber fell to the limit throughout the day.

Some people in the industry believe that although these online messages on individual stock price forecasts seem random, they may affect real money and silver, so the harmfulness should not be underestimated.

It is worth noting that from the perspective of public information, the release platforms of the above "predictions" are all flush. On May 22, the reporter sent an interview letter to the flush side on related issues such as the examination and control of its stock bar messages. In addition, the reporter as an investor called flush, the company said, "for inappropriate remarks like this, our platform will be more stringent review."

The harmfulness of improper network messages for individual stocks should not be underestimated.

In the past two days, two "bizarre predictions" about the share prices of Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong bus have been fermenting among investors:

A netizen with IP belonging to Shandong posted a message on flush App at 13:47 on May 20, accurately "predicting" the "heavenly floor" of Nanjing chemical fiber that afternoon.

12:46 on May 21, a shareholder in the flush Zhongtong bus stock bar posted a post saying, "I am Zhuang 01:20 limit." At about 1:20 in the afternoon, the limit of Zhongtong bus rose "as scheduled".

From the response of the two companies afterwards, the stock prices of Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong bus fluctuated sharply without obvious changes in the company's fundamentals.

deuceswildpokerstrategy| Why are "bizarre prophecies" frequently released publicly? Straight flush response: Similar inappropriate remarks will be reviewed more strictly

It is worth noting that from the perspective of public information, the release platforms of the above two sections of stock price forecast information are flush. The above forecast information about Nanjing chemical fiber will be released at 13:47 on May 20, but in the evening, the reporter can still find this information on the flush App. Obviously, after the release of the above information, flush was not deleted in time.

On the morning of May 22nd, the reporter at the Zhongtong bus Forum of App in flush, we can still find that many shareholders are releasing information about the forecast of Zhongtong bus share price.

Some industry insiders believe that these online messages on individual stock price forecasts seem random, but they may really affect real money and silver, so it is necessary to pay close attention to their harmfulness.

Article 56 of the Securities Law clearly stipulates that any unit or individual is prohibited from fabricating or disseminating false or misleading information to disturb the securities market. The dissemination of securities market information by various media must be true and objective, and misleading is prohibited. Whoever fabricates or disseminates false or misleading information, disrupts the securities market and causes losses to investors shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.

In its recent announcement on the stock trading of Zhongtong bus, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange also pointed out that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and anyone who publishes information related to the securities market on the Internet should abide by the laws and regulations, and should not spread rumors or mislead at will, disrupt the normal dissemination of market information, and affect the normal operation of the market mechanism.

Interestingly, the reporter noticed that the netizens of the above-mentioned IP belonging to Shandong have also opened an account in the Oriental Fortune Stock Bar, but at present they can not find it in the Stock Bar.DeuceswildpokerstrategyOn May 20, he released a record of the forecast information on the share price of Nanjing chemical fiber.

"Why don't these predictions be released on other platforms, just on the flush platform, twice in a row? Are you sure that the audit of this platform is not rigorous? " The above-mentioned industry insiders pointed out to reporters.

A person familiar with the matter told reporters that the above "prophecy" has actually been released on other platforms, but the degree of follow-up dissemination is relatively limited.

Flush response will strictly censor inappropriate remarks.

On May 21, with regard to the above-mentioned stock price forecast events of Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong bus, the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges stepped in one after another and took regulatory measures to suspend trading on the relevant accounts for 15 days.

On May 22, Nanjing Chemical Fiber opened trading by the daily limit and held it until the end of the day. Some investors who followed the trend the day before yesterday may have been trapped. In addition, after the limit rose at noon on the 21st, Zhongtong bus opened sharply lower yesterday, falling more than 6% throughout the day. From this point of view, it does not rule out that some investors who are chasing high have been tied up.

Although Nanjing Chemical Fiber was forced to rise to the limit at the end of the day on May 21, judging from the list of dragons and tigers after trading, in recent days, the business department of Caitong Securities Shangtang Road and Soochow Securities Suzhou East Road, which are more active in the list of dragons and tigers, have sold a total of nearly 40 million yuan.

In addition, judging from the list of dragons and tigers of Nanjing Chemical Fiber in recent days, several business departments that have been actively involved in stock price speculation recently, such as the Zhejiang Branch of Federal Reserve Securities, the Business Department of Jinkeqiao Avenue in Shaoxing of Northeast Securities, and the Business Department of Chuancai Securities in Wuhan along the Yangtze River, there are also signs of shipment. Among them, whether it cooperates with the behavior of the market induced by online postings remains to be further verified by supervision.

Judging from the above-mentioned recent "accurate prediction" of Zhongtong bus and the high-level shipments of hot money in Nanjing chemical fiber, people can't help but think of some of the previous operation methods of the online "pig killing plate": some illegal "black mouths" induced investors to buy some so-called cattle stocks in the live broadcast room, and these so-called cow stocks are often lurking behind long time ago, once investors rush in, they will choose to smash the market and ship the goods. Resulting in heavy losses for investors.

In fact, with the frequent occurrence of online "pig killing plate" incidents in previous years, regulation has not only launched a heavy blow to crack down, but also released teaching content through various channels to alert investors to the risk of "pig killing plate" in the stock market.

In addition to flush, Oriental Wealth and other large platforms, some brokerage App is also a gathering place for investors. A relevant person in charge of the online finance department of a securities firm told reporters that whether the securities firm App will open up the comment area depends on the management ability of each company, and securities firms with management ability can be liberalized, while securities firms with insufficient management capacity will have greater compliance risks if they rashly open up.

The reporter inquired about the App of a number of brokerages today and found that the management standards of these brokerages on investors' network messages are different. Some brokerages App have opened individual stock comment area functions similar to stock bars, while some brokerages App do not have this function.

It is worth mentioning that the reporter tried to release stock price forecast information similar to the above on the individual stock comment area of a brokerage App yesterday. After some review, this information was finally released.

So, did the straight flush conduct a corresponding review before the above-mentioned improper prediction information was released? After the above incident, did the straight flush initiate an internal self-inspection? Will relevant improvement measures be formulated subsequently to prevent similar incidents from happening again? The reporter sent an interview letter to the straight flush yesterday, but had not received a reply as of press time.

The reporter called Tonghuashun as an investor yesterday afternoon. A relevant person from the company said,"For inappropriate remarks like this, our platform will conduct more strict review."
