fishtablegame| 13 industries received financing net purchases, non-ferrous metals industry received the most net purchases

Intro: News summary [13 industries received financing net purchases, non-ferrous metals industry received the most net purchase...

News summary

[13 industries received financing net purchases, non-ferrous metals industry received the most net purchases] Securities Times NewsfishtablegameWind statistics show that on May 21, 13 of Shenwan's 31 first-tier industries received net purchases from financing, and 8 of them had net purchases of more than 100 million yuan. Among them, the non-ferrous metals industry was integratedfishtablegame.fishtablegame..

Newsletter text

[13 industries received net financing purchases, the non-ferrous metals industry received the most net purchases] Securities Times News, Wind statistics show that on May 21, 13 of Shenwan's 31 first-tier industries received net financing purchases, and there were 8 companies with net purchases of more than 100 million yuan. Among them, the non-ferrous metals industry ranked first in net purchases with financing, with net purchases of 892 million yuan on the day; other industries that received net purchases with financing were automobiles, pharmaceutical biology, media, power equipment, machinery and equipment. proofreadingfishtablegame: Liao Shengchao

fishtablegame| 13 industries received financing net purchases, non-ferrous metals industry received the most net purchases
