rollbitcasino| Urumqi Bank fined 300,000 yuan for misreporting and underreporting EAST data

Intro: Financial front-line news on May 20rollbitcasino, the Administrative Punishment Information Disclosure Form of the Xinjiang Supervisi...

Financial front-line news on May 20rollbitcasino, the Administrative Punishment Information Disclosure Form of the Xinjiang Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration shows thatrollbitcasino, Bank of Urumqi Co., Ltd. was fined 300,000 yuan for falsely stating and omitting EAST data.

rollbitcasino| Urumqi Bank fined 300,000 yuan for misreporting and underreporting EAST data

At that time, the deputy general manager of the Information Technology Department of Urumqi Bank Co., Ltd.(presiding over the work) and the then general manager of the planning and finance department of Urumqi Bank Co., Ltd. were responsible for the above-mentioned violations and were both warned and fined 60,000 yuan respectively.
