baccaratharmonie| AVIC Shenfei strengthens investor relations management and reshapes new value in military industry

Intro: On the occasion of National Investor Protection Awareness DaybaccaratharmonieAVIC Shenfei, a leading listed company in the military in...

On the occasion of National Investor Protection Awareness DaybaccaratharmonieAVIC Shenfei, a leading listed company in the military industry, released a poster with the theme of "Fulfilling the original intention of serving the country by aviation and shouldering the mission of a strong aviation country" through the company's official website, the "Aviation Industry Shenfei" WeChat public account Weixin Official Accounts and other platformsbaccaratharmonie, which shows the company attaches great importance to promoting high-quality development and boosting investor confidence.

In recent years, AVIC Shenfei has taken the initiative to continue to strengthen investor relations management, take multiple measures to actively convey the value of military investment, continuously enhance investors 'recognition and sense of gain, boost investor confidence, and allow investors to "get closer and listen to the company. Understand, see clearly, and have confidence", creating an image of a leading military listed company that "has inheritance, trustworthiness, stories, and expectations."

The company has established and formed a market value monitoring and reporting mechanism of "weekly dynamic tracking, ten-day shareholder analysis, monthly market value monitoring, and quarterly analysis and summary"; regularly holds annual report, first quarterly report, semi-annual report, and third quarterly report online performance explanation meetings and institutional telephone conferences to promptly collect and respond to investors 'inquiries, complaints and suggestions, continue to maintain a mutual trust relationship with the capital market, and actively guide market expectations of the military industry.

baccaratharmonie| AVIC Shenfei strengthens investor relations management and reshapes new value in military industry

After the company was reorganized and listed, cash dividends have been implemented for five consecutive years. The amount of cash dividends and the ratio of cash dividends have continued to increase, and a total of 21 per cent of cash dividends have been realized.baccaratharmonie.37 billion yuan. In 2023, the company plans to distribute cash dividends to shareholders 11baccaratharmonie.02 billion yuan, with the total cash payout reaching a record high. With the responsibility of the "national team" in the military industry, investors are striving to enhance their sense of gain.

At the same time, the company actively responds to the concerns of small and medium-sized investors through investor hotlines, Shanghai Stock Exchange e-interactive, e-mail, postal and printed annual reports, etc. In response to abnormal fluctuations in stock prices in the secondary market, the company promptly issues stock price changes verification announcements and performance forecasts, and complies with the law. Regulations, timely plan and use directors, senior executives and related parties to implement increased holdings in the secondary market, and proactively protect investors 'rights and interests.
