fishtablegambling| Yan Ruixiang: The US index focuses on daily resistance and suppresses Europe and the United States focusing on daily support

Intro: [dollar Index]On May 13, in terms of the dollar index, the price of the dollar index rose on Friday as a whole. The price of the day r...

[dollar Index]

On May 13, in terms of the dollar index, the price of the dollar index rose on Friday as a whole. The price of the day rose as high as 105FishtablegamblingPosition .38, lowest position 105.114, closing at position 105.297. Looking back on the price performance of the US index on Friday, the short-term price was supported upwards after the opening of trading in the morning, and then the price maintained the performance of volatile rise, finally ending the positive line, while weekly prices were supported by the weekly line. For the time being, we need to pay attention to the resistance in the range of 105.50-70, after all, the analysis position is the key resistance at the daily level, the short-term price is still under pressure, and the air-bias treatment is maintained before it is broken, while the lower part focuses on the 105.10-104.70 area.

The US index is empty in the range of 105.55-65, defense is $5, and the target is 105.10-104.70.

[Europe and America]

In Europe and the United States, prices in Europe and the United States overall fell on Friday. The lowest price of the day fell to 1.0759, the highest rose to 1.0789, and closed at 1.0769. Looking back at the performance of the European and American markets on Friday, the European and American short-term markets fell first under pressure and then fell in the short term after the opening of trading in the morning, and prices hit a low on Friday, which happened to be the key support area for four hours. As the high point of the weekly line is weekly resistance, and the lower daily line is supported in the 1.0730-40 area, for the time being, we will first pay attention to the gains and losses of last Friday's low position, taking into account the performance of last Friday to beware of prices falling into the Japanese line, so temporarily focus on the 1.0730-40 range support to see the upside, the upper follow-up focus on the 1.0770-1.0790 area, the price follow-up weekly line resistance will continue.

fishtablegambling| Yan Ruixiang: The US index focuses on daily resistance and suppresses Europe and the United States focusing on daily support

Europe and the United States 1.0730-40 range, defense 40 points, target 1.0770-1.0790

[financial data and events of Today's focus] Monday, May 13, 2024

① 15FishtablegamblingSwiss consumer confidence index for April

② 21:00 Fed speech by Mestre and Jefferson

③ 23:00 April New York Fed one-year inflation expectations
