slotswincasinonodepositbonus| What Huawei needs to find out: Is the sprinkler hit by the spontaneous combustion moving? | Phoenix V scene

Intro: Author | Yang QianAt the end of April, three passengers were killed when a M7 Plus collided on a highway in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province....

Author | Yang Qian

At the end of April, three passengers were killed when a M7 Plus collided on a highway in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. In the official response to the question, it was mentioned that the speed of the new M7 Plus collision occurred at 115km/h, exceeding the automatic emergency brake (AEB).SlotswincasinonodepositbonusThe scope of work. Road maintenance vehicles in rear-end collision operations in the inner fast lane.

Luo Xinyu, podcast manager of "isolated Island car talk", said that figuring out whether the car hit by the accident was in a slow sprinkler or a stationary sprinkler is crucial to the work of AEB. The sprinkler in the operation can stop or slow down, if it is static, it is normal that it can not be detected. If it is slow, it is a big mistake. So this is a problem for Huawei.

CCRm (Car-to-car rear moving) is the car-to-rear AEB where the front car is moving. According to the data, we can know that 130km/h requires too much for a stationary object to stop, but 130km/h is not too much for a moving rear car to slow down.

The official response to the question is that the speed of the spontaneous combustion M7 vehicle collision occurred at 115km/h, exceeding AEB (non-Huawei ADS 2).SlotswincasinonodepositbonusThe scope of work (4~85km/h) of the. 0 intelligent driving system), while the officials of the world have also publicized that in Huawei's ADS2SlotswincasinonodepositbonusWith the blessing of .0 technology, the new version of M9 has increased the scope of work to 4-150km/h.

Should car companies match AEB with high and low? Luo Xinyu believes that the answer to this question is rather complicated. First of all, the sensor needs a higher performance sensor (radar, lidar, camera) to improve the starting speed of AEB braking. Secondly, if you really stop when cruising at high speed on the highway, it may not only be unstable, but also bring the risk of rear-end collision. So 80km/h is currently a reasonable speed, but Euro NCAP requires that all AEB within 130km/h can work.

It is worth noting that just because AEB works within 130km/h does not mean it has to be braked. So if some car companies shut down the AEB under the 130km/h, their cars will not get this part of the score in the Euro NCAP evaluation, and they will not get the five-star rating. Although Euro NCAP is not a regulation, it has a considerable degree of credibility and technical guidance.

Luo Xinyu said that under the premise of complying with the requirements of the regulations, the safety performance of the car, such as AEB start-up speed, is an indicator with no upper limit, so at present, it is reasonable to differentiate the safety performance by the level of configuration.

Of course, the more grim reality at present is that up to now, China has not carried out laws and regulations to enforce the standard configuration of ESP for passenger cars. This means that, in theory, car companies can even launch cars without ESP, let alone AEB without ESP. Supplemented by Luo XinyuSlotswincasinonodepositbonusIn other words, we are 20 years behind Europe in this matter (and still lagging behind). This is the reality of the bottom line of China's current regulations. That's why, as an industry practitioner, I highly value Euro NCAP, which is updated every two years, not just laws and regulations. "

slotswincasinonodepositbonus| What Huawei needs to find out: Is the sprinkler hit by the spontaneous combustion moving? | Phoenix V scene

The schematic diagram is a technical simulation demonstration of AITO's official reference to the relevant data of the accident vehicle.
