playtoearncryptogamesappstore| The comprehensive unblocking of the ban, Hangzhou real estate enterprises collectively rose sharply!

Intro: On the morning of May 9, the news that Hangzhou had completely lifted the restrictions on housing purchase was read on moments. Stimula...

On the morning of May 9, the news that Hangzhou had completely lifted the restrictions on housing purchase was read on moments. Stimulated by this news, the capital market applauded. Hangzhou listed real estate enterprises Binjiang Group (002244) (002244) and Greentown China (03900) rose one after another. Among them, Guangyu Group (002133) (002133), Nandu property (603506) (603506) is closed trading limit.

Eight years later, the purchase restrictions were liberalized in an all-round way.

After a month and a half, the Hangzhou property market has sold out again.PlaytoearncryptogamesappstoreYes. This morning, Hangzhou real estate market stable and healthy development leading group office issued a "notice on optimizing and adjusting the regulation and control policies of the real estate market" (hereinafter referred to as "the notice").

According to the notice, housing purchase restrictions will be completely abolished, housing will be purchased within the scope of Hangzhou, and the eligibility for housing purchase will no longer be examined. Optimize the points settlement policy, and non-registered residents who have obtained legal property rights in Hangzhou can apply for registration. Optimize the notarization lottery sales measures, for the purchase intention to register the number of households less than or equal to the number of new commercial housing projects, cancel the notarization lottery sales requirements, by the development enterprises to sell independently.

The Hangzhou real estate market relaxed the scope of purchase restrictions in October 2023, that is, the notice on optimizing and adjusting the Regulation and Control measures of the Real Estate Market was issued on October 16, 2023, and the scope of housing purchase restrictions was changed from 9 districts such as Shangcheng District to Shangcheng District, Gongshu District, Xihu District and Binjiang District.

Subsequently, Hangzhou further relaxed the restrictions on the purchase of second-hand houses in March 2024. That is, on March 14, 2024, Hangzhou issued a notice on further optimizing the regulation and control measures of the real estate market, clearly abolishing the restrictions on the purchase conditions and the number of second-hand houses purchased in Shangcheng District, Gongshu District, Xihu District and Binjiang District.

This Hangzhou New deal is another important new policy after the "March 14" Hangzhou five New policies. It has been nearly eight years since the last round of housing purchase restrictions in Hangzhou was completely lifted in August 2014 and resumed in September 2016.

The complete lifting of purchase restrictions in Hangzhou is mainly due to the relatively sluggish performance of the new housing market. According to the monitoring data of the middle index, from January to April this year, the turnover of new houses in Hangzhou was 188.PlaytoearncryptogamesappstoreWith an area of .30,000 square meters, the heat of the new house continues to decline.

In addition, according to Kerry data, in April this year, Hangzhou property market is mainly characterized by "cooling" and "differentiation". As of April 27, the supply area of commercial housing in Hangzhou was about 530000 square meters, down 46% from March, while the transaction area was 450000 square meters, down 55% from the previous month.

Local listed housing enterprises soar

At present, housing enterprises and property companies listed in Hangzhou include Binjiang Group (002244), Guangyu Group (002133), Binjiang Services (0316), Greentown China (03900), Greentown Services (02869), Greentown Management Holdings (09979) and Nandu property (603506).

On May 9, after Hangzhou announced the full liberalization of purchase restrictions, the above-mentioned Hangzhou real estate enterprise concept stocks rose collectively. Among them, by the midday close, Guangyu Group was closed by 250000 orders; Nandu property was bought by 130000; Binjiang Group was up 6.98 per cent and Greentown China was up 6.52 per cent.

According to the annual report, Guangyu Group's real estate income was 6.338 billion yuan in 2023, accounting for 68.68% of revenue. In terms of revenue composition, the company's income from Zhejiang Province is 8.395 billion yuan, accounting for 90% of revenue.

Last year, Guangyu Group achieved a sales contract area of 135100 square meters, with a contract amount of 3.031 billion yuan, accounting for 75.78 percent of the annual plan, and a completed area of 473300 square meters. It delivered 4219 sets of commercial housing and 264 sets of public rental housing for five projects in Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Huangshan. By the end of the reporting period, the company has planned construction area of 426200 square meters, construction area of 426200 square meters and rights and interests construction area of 426200 square meters.

In 2023, Nandu property achieved an operating income of 1.851 billion yuan, an increase of 0.23% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 186 million yuan belonging to shareholders of listed companies, an increase of 27.69% over the same period last year. Of this total, revenue from the Hangzhou area is 841 million yuan, accounting for 45% of the revenue.

playtoearncryptogamesappstore| The comprehensive unblocking of the ban, Hangzhou real estate enterprises collectively rose sharply!

In 2023, Binjiang Group achieved operating income of 70.443 billion yuan, an increase of 69.73% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 2.529 billion yuan, down 32.41% from the same period last year.

According to the annual report, Binjiang Group sold well in 2023, achieving sales of 153.47 billion yuan, basically the same as the previous year, ranking 11th in Kerry industry, up 2 places from 2022, and winning the market sales champion in Hangzhou for six consecutive years. Last year, Binjiang Group added 33 land reserve projects, including 27 in Hangzhou, to further consolidate Hangzhou's market share. By the end of the reporting period, Hangzhou accounted for 60% of the land reserve of Binjiang Group.
