tabletopvideopoker| The Ministry of Natural Resources issued new regulations: suspend the sale of new land in cities with a commercial housing deconversion cycle exceeding 36 months

Intro: Source: financial UnionFinancial Associated Press, May 1 (Reporter Li Jie) in order to actively implement the spirit of the Politburo...

Source: financial Union

Financial Associated Press, May 1 (Reporter Li Jie) in order to actively implement the spirit of the Politburo meetingTabletopvideopokerWith the combination of invigorating stock and optimizing increment, the Ministry of Natural Resources has dynamically adjusted the rules of land supply.

The Ministry of Natural Resources recently issued a notice on doing a good job in the supply of residential land in 2024, making it clear that all localities should, in accordance with the principle of booking houses by people and fixing land by houses, link up with the annual plan of local housing development, strictly implement "fixed supply on demand", make overall arrangements for the supply of residential land for the whole year, and promote a healthy and stable relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market.

This means that the supply of new residential land in various places in the future is closely related to the current commercial housing decontamination cycle and invigorating stock data.

According to the circular, all localities should timely optimize the scale, layout, and structure of commercial office land and residential land according to market demand, and improve the mechanism for regulating the supply of residential land corresponding to the elimination cycle of commercial housing and the stock of residential land.

Among them, cities with a commercial housing removal period of more than 36 months should suspend the sale of new commercial residential land and make great efforts to invigorate the stock until the commercial housing removal period is reduced to less than 36 months. Cities with a period of 18 months (excluding) to 36 months for the removal of commercial housing should follow the principle of "how much to activate and how much to supply". The upper limit of the area of newly sold commercial residential land is dynamically determined according to the area of the stock of commercial residential land (including completion and recovery) within this year.

"in recent years, the Ministry of Natural Resources has established a two-way regulation mechanism for the supply of residential land corresponding to the removal cycle of commercial housing and the stock of land, requiring the supply of residential land to be arranged according to urban policies. Cities with a long period of commercial housing degradation, high land auction rate and obvious insufficient market demand should strictly control the supply scale of commercial housing land." The head of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Utilization said.

It further said that for cities with high inventory pressure and long removal cycle, it is necessary to suspend the sale of new commercial residential land and resolutely curb the unreasonable growth of stock land. For other cities with a long removal cycle, it is necessary to reasonably control the scale and rhythm of the transfer of commercial residential land to ensure that the stock does not increase and gradually activate and digest.

From this point of view, in the current market environment, most urban new residential land transfer plans need to be combined with stock activation to implement.

According to the data of the Middle Index Research Institute, as of March 2024, the clearance period of the salable area of commercial housing in 50 key cities is more than 20 months, of which only the average inventory clearance period in first-tier cities is less than 18 months, and that in some second-tier cities is at a reasonable level.

In addition, according to the ranking of the stock and sales ratio of newly built commercial housing in 100 cities across the country in March, there are 10 cities with a removal period of more than 36 months. They are Shaoguan, Xining, Zhoushan, Luoyang, Harbin, Jiashan, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Tangshan and Jiangyin.

While reasonably controlling the supply of new commercial residential land, the notice also mentioned the need to establish a linkage mechanism of "human housing land", "housing by people, land by housing, and co-ordinating the residential land supply arrangement of 'market + guarantee'."

"in cities with large population and population growth in the future, land supply will also be more guaranteed." Chen Wenjing, director of market research of the middle finger institute, said.

tabletopvideopoker| The Ministry of Natural Resources issued new regulations: suspend the sale of new land in cities with a commercial housing deconversion cycle exceeding 36 months

The person in charge of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Utilization pointed out that the Circular requires all localities to link up with the local annual housing development plan when drawing up annual residential land supply plans in accordance with the principle of housing by people and land by housing. we will strictly implement the "fixed supply on demand" and make overall arrangements for the supply of residential land for the whole year, so as to promote a healthy and stable relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market.

The notice also made it clear that all localities should give priority to the use of land for indemnificatory housing in their land supply plans, and pointed out that it is necessary to make overall efforts to invigorate all kinds of existing land for the construction of indemnificatory housing.

Chen Wenjing believes that in the future, the construction of indemnificatory housing may be realized in two ways: one is to increase the supply of land for indemnificatory housing through agreement allocation; the other is to build indemnificatory housing by invigorating the unstarted idle land in the hands of housing enterprises and the idle land owned by enterprises and institutions.

What is worth paying attention to is that this "notice" has devoted more space to emphasizing the need for "layer upon layer compaction responsibility" and "strengthening organizational leadership and departmental coordination."

The Circular clearly states that the municipal and county departments in charge of natural resources should strictly implement the responsibility of the main body of residential land supply, strengthen organizational leadership and departmental coordination, scientifically formulate land supply plans, implement the requirements for regulation and control of residential land supply, do a good job in land purchase qualification and capital supervision in accordance with regulations, actively cooperate with relevant departments to prevent financing platform companies from illegally acquiring land, and guard against hidden government debt risks.

"strengthen the revitalization of the stock of residential land, strengthen the disposal of idle land, require all localities to formulate disposal plans in a timely manner and organize their implementation, and actively guard against the hidden debt risks of the real estate market and the government." The person in charge of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Utilization pointed out that while strengthening the guidance on the supply of new residential land, the Ministry of Natural Resources is also actively studying policies and measures to invigorate the stock, optimize the structure, improve quality, and help transformation, so as to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of the people, and promote the high-quality development of real estate.

"at present, major changes have taken place in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market, and the Politburo meeting on April 30 also defined the direction for real estate policy. Only when all localities and departments work together to implement relevant measures and consolidate their own responsibilities, can we better promote the implementation of various measures and better promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. " Chen Wenjing thinks.
