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miniroulettecasino| National Bureau of Statistics: Profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide increased by 4.3% year-on-year from January to April

Intro: January-AprilMiniroulettecasinoThe total profits of industrial enterprises above the national scale reached 20946.Miniroulettecasino90...

January-AprilMiniroulettecasinoThe total profits of industrial enterprises above the national scale reached 20946.Miniroulettecasino90 million yuan, an increase of 4% over the same period last yearMiniroulettecasino.3%.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to April, the total profits of industrial enterprises above the national scale reached 2.09469 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.3% over the same period last year (calculated on a comparable basis).

From January to April, among industrial enterprises above scale, the total profits of state-controlled enterprises totaled 739.64 billion yuan, down 2.8 percent from the same period last year; the total profits of joint-stock enterprises totaled 1.55081 trillion yuan, up 0.9 percent; and the total profits of foreign investors and enterprises invested in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan reached 528.59 billion yuan, up 16.7 percent. The total profits of private enterprises totaled 544.8 billion yuan, up 6.4 percent.

From January to April, the total profits of the mining industry totaled 392.39 billion yuan, down 18.6 percent from the same period last year; the total profits of the manufacturing industry totaled 1.44398 trillion yuan, up 8.0 percent; and the total profits of the electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industries totaled 258.32 billion yuan, up 36.9 percent.

From January to April, the profits of major industries are as followsMiniroulettecasinoProfits of computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry increased by 75.8%, non-ferrous metal smelting and Calendering industry by 56.6%, electric power, thermal production and supply industry by 44.1%, automobile industry by 29.0%, textile industry by 24.9%, agricultural and non-staple food processing industry by 9.0%, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry by 8.4%, general equipment manufacturing industry by 6.2%. The oil and natural gas mining industry increased by 4.3%, the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry decreased by 4.7%, the special equipment manufacturing industry dropped by 7.3%, the coal mining and washing industry dropped by 34.2%, and the non-metallic mineral products industry dropped by 53.9%. The oil, coal and other fuel processing industries changed from profit to loss, and losses increased in ferrous metal smelting and Calendering processing industries.

From January to April, the operating income of industrial enterprises above scale reached 41.92 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.6% over the same period last year; the operating cost was 35.77 trillion yuan, up 2.8%; and the profit margin of operating income was 5.00%, an increase of 0.08% over the same period last year.

At the end of April, the assets of industrial enterprises above scale totaled 170.24 trillion yuan, up 6.0 percent from the same period last year; liabilities totaled 97.61 trillion yuan, up 5.7 percent; owners' equity totaled 72.62 trillion yuan, up 6.4 percent; and the asset-liability ratio was 57.3 percent, down 0.2 percent from the same period last year.

At the end of April, accounts receivable of industrial enterprises above scale totaled 23.61 trillion yuan, up 7.6 percent over the same period last year, and inventory of finished goods totaled 6.33 trillion yuan, up 3.1 percent.

From January to April, the cost of industrial enterprises above 100 yuan of operating income was 85.34 yuan, an increase of 0.14 yuan over the same period last year, and the cost of every 100 yuan of operating income was 8.42 yuan, a decrease of 0.02 yuan over the same period last year.

At the end of April, the operating income of industrial enterprises above scale was 74.4yuan, down 2.6yuan from the same period last year; the per capita operating income was 1.741 million yuan, an increase of 75000 yuan over the same period last year; the turnover of inventory of finished goods was 20.8days, unchanged from the same period last year; the average payback period of accounts receivable was 66.7days, an increase of 3.4days over the same period last year.

miniroulettecasino| National Bureau of Statistics: Profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide increased by 4.3% year-on-year from January to April

In April, profits of over-sized industrial enterprises increased by 4.0% compared with the same period last year.
