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cashslots| Animal husbandry ETF(SH516670): Domestic pig prices are rising firmly, and the pig cycle is reversing or looming

Intro: News summary Animal husbandry ETF(SH516670) rose 1.5 percent in nooncashslots.13%cashslots, domestic pig prices have ris...

News summary

Animal husbandry ETF(SH516670) rose 1.5 percent in nooncashslots.13%cashslots, domestic pig prices have risen firmly, production capacity elimination and increased consumer demand have driven pig prices, and the animal husbandry and breeding sector has ushered in the dawn.

cashslots| Animal husbandry ETF(SH516670): Domestic pig prices are rising firmly, and the pig cycle is reversing or looming

Newsletter text

[Animal husbandry ETF has increased significantly, and pig prices continue to rise, ushering in the dawn] Animal husbandry ETF(SH516670) rose 1.5% in noon tradingcashslots.13%. At the same time, domestic pig prices showed a firm upward trend. Since May, the price of Sanyuan live pigs at home and abroad has continued to rise sharply, and both the southern and northern markets have shown a prosperous scene. Growth in consumer demand is one of the main driving forces for the rise in pig prices. With the steady development of the national economy and the continuous improvement of residents 'income, people's demand for meat products continues to increase. Especially pork, which is the main meat consumer product, is in short supply, which has further pushed up pig prices. The accelerated elimination of pig production capacity is also the key reason for the increase in pig prices. Affected by environmental protection policies, substandard breeding farms were forced to shut down, resulting in a decline in pig production capacity. In addition, the outbreak of diseases such as swine fever in Africa in recent years has also impacted the pig breeding industry, further reducing pork supply. Tensions on the supply side have caused pig prices to show a steady and upward trend. After a long period of bottom of the pig cycle and low pig prices, the recent continuous rise in pig prices has given the industry hope. Pig companies have also begun to release expectations of a recovery in pig prices. For investors who are interested in deploying the animal husbandry sector, they can grasp the market by purchasing the animal husbandry ETF (516670) with a higher "pig content" and effectively avoid individual stock risks. It is worth mentioning that the management fee rate of this ETF is 0.2%/year, which is the lowest among all agriculture-themed ETFs. For investors who do not have stock accounts, you can also pay attention to linked funds (Class A 014414cashslots; Class C 014415).
