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deuceswildpokerhands| Shilong Industrial: The company's stock will be implemented with "other risk warnings" starting from May 17

Intro: Shilong Industrial (Rights Protection) announced that on March 12, 2024, the company received the "Advance Notice of Administrative Pu...

deuceswildpokerhands| Shilong Industrial: The company's stock will be implemented with "other risk warnings" starting from May 17

Shilong Industrial (Rights Protection) announced that on March 12, 2024, the company received the "Advance Notice of Administrative Punishment" issued by the Jiangxi Securities Regulatory Bureau. On May 15, 2024, the company received the "Administrative Punishment Decision"[2024] No. 1 issued by the Jiangxi Securities Regulatory Bureau. According to Article 7 of the connection arrangement for the application of the old and new rules in the "Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules" issued and implemented by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 30, 2024, the company's shares will be implementeddeuceswildpokerhandsHe warned of risks. The company's shares will be suspended for one day from the market opening on May 16, 2024, and will resume from the market opening on May 17, 2024. The company's stock has been implemented with "Other Risk Warning" from May 17, 2024, and the stock abbreviation has been changed from "Shilong Industrial" to "ST Shilong". After the implementation of other risk warnings, the daily price limit of the company's stock trading is 5%.

(Article source: Shanghai Securities News and China Securities Network)
