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pennpursuit38000| Exploring the culture of Yuanchuan wine, conveying the value of harmony and beauty, and the world expression of the Chinese brand Wuliangye

Intro: the land of abundancePennpursuit38000Oh, thousands of miles of fertile fields. The humid climate, fertile soil and pure water sources o...

the land of abundancePennpursuit38000Oh, thousands of miles of fertile fields. The humid climate, fertile soil and pure water sources of Shu produce a unique style of Sichuan wine brand, and also create a Sichuan wine culture that has lasted for thousands of years.

How to effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent Chinese traditional culturePennpursuit38000? To make more Sichuan wine cultural heritage alive, popular, and polish Sichuan wine gold-lettered signboards has become a common proposition faced by many Sichuan wine brands, and Sichuan wine leader Wuliangye (000858) is giving its own answer.

On May 10th, coinciding with the 8th "China Brand Day", the Sichuan Museum and Wuliangye (000858) jointly sponsored the theme of "exploring the Source of Sichuan Wine and tasting the Flavor of Sichuan Wine". The theme cultural activity of Sichuan wine culture and history exploration tour kicked off in Chengdu. Guests from the fields of culture, education, science and media gathered together to explore the long and unique brewing history, development history and cultural history of Sichuan Liquor, tell the story of Chinese liquor to the world and convey the strong sound of the era of Sichuan Liquor.

Big names gather to read the growth history of Chinese brands

Sichuan, this mysterious and ancient land, is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. From a large number of pottery wine vessels unearthed, we can see that wine-making in Shu has become popular thousands of years ago, and Sichuan wine culture has a long history and has been passed on for thousands of years. Zhong Ling, deputy director of the Sichuan Museum, said that among the precious cultural relics of the Sichuan Museum, there are many portrait bricks and bronzes that reflect Sichuan wine culture, which is a strong witness to the development of Sichuan wine culture.

The exploration of the history of Sichuan wine culture is slowly carried out with Qin and Han dynasties, Tang and Song dynasties and modernity as the three landmark historical nodes.

At the scene of the event, Wang Zijin, a famous expert in the history of Qin and Han dynasties, honorary first-class professor of Renmin University of China and professor of Northwestern University, Alai, vice chairman of Chinese Writers Association and chairman of Sichuan Writers Association. Jiang Lei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, brought sharing from three time scales and three dimensions of history, culture, science and technology, making the guests feel that the cultural history of Sichuan wine has been passed down from generation to generation.

With the title of "the aroma of Sichuan Wine in Ancient Times", Prince Zi revealed that Sichuan wine had been produced and developed rapidly in the Qin and Han dynasties. He said that it can be proved by Yang Xiong's stories of "buying Wine Gaotang" and Wen Jun Dangdang, as well as the discovery of bronze wine bottles in the Qin and Han dynasties in Sichuan archaeology. Sichuan wine was deeply integrated into the social life of the ancient Shu people as early as the Qin and Han dynasties.

Under the theme of "Shu Wine is invincible", A Lai brought a lecture hall of poetry and wine culture, which comprehensively presented the poetry and wine culture stories of du Fu, Lu you, Su Dongpo and Huang Tingjian in the Tang and Song dynasties, as well as the leading position of Sichuan wine in brewing technology and culture. He believes that from the day the poem was born, wine appeared frequently in the poem, resulting in a beautiful consumption scene, representing a good attitude and way of life.

Jiang Lei mentioned in his keynote speech that he collaborated with his research team on the latest research results on the causes of alcoholic beverages published in Matter magazine, revealing that the golden alcohol regions around the world include: beer (~ 4%vol), wine and yellow rice wine (11-16%vol), whisky and brandy (40-43%vol), spirits (35-42%vol, ~ 52%vol, ~ 68%vol, ~ 75%vol). Wuliangye and its series of products with different alcohol content happen to be in the range of golden degree of liquor. The research results provide a new directional research direction for the future development of the wine-making industry, have important guiding significance for the construction of the scientific system of wine sensory evaluation, and also reflect how scientific and technological innovation promotes the experience and inheritance of wine culture.

The blending of traditional and modern, culture and science and technology can make the guests more clearly see the resplendence of Sichuan wine history and culture and realize the importance of Sichuan wine culture protection and inheritance.

In the reporter's view, Wuliangye holding this event on "China Brand Day" is of great significance: it will help to promote the creative inheritance, innovative expression and international expansion of Chinese liquor culture, so that cultural "soft power" can be transformed into "hard support" for "Chinese liquor" brand construction, thus promoting the high-quality development of the industry.

Wander through the ancient and modern times and explore the thousand-year heritage of the fragrance of a great country

The essence of the brand comes from history, the charm of the brand comes from culture, the connotation of the brand is based on science, and the life of the brand lies in inheritance.

pennpursuit38000| Exploring the culture of Yuanchuan wine, conveying the value of harmony and beauty, and the world expression of the Chinese brand Wuliangye

As the leading enterprise of Sichuan wine and Chinese liquor, Wuliangye is the aggregator of continuing the context of Sichuan wine, transmitting Sichuan wine culture and inheriting the life of Sichuan wine. For thousands of years, the use of Wuliangye ancient cellar pond group has never been interrupted, the inheritance of Wuliangye ancient brewing technology has never been interrupted, the inheritance of Wuliangye craftsman spirit has never been interrupted, and Wuliangye's pursuit of excellent quality has never been interrupted. Wuliangye's transmission of the value of harmony and beauty has never been interrupted. This kind of non-dynastic inheritance is extremely rare not only in China, but also in the world.

Zeng Congqin, party committee secretary and chairman of Wuliangye Group (Stock) Co., Ltd., said that thousands of years of continuous inheritance is not only the pride of Sichuan Liquor, but also the deepest foundation for Sichuan Liquor to lead the development of Chinese liquor.

Zeng Congqin believes that it is precisely because of the long history and rich culture that countless "Sichuan brands" and "Sichuan business cards" can shine in the long river of history and the journey of the times.

"Wuliangye is willing to join hands with all friends who are committed to protecting and inheriting China's excellent history and culture to further utilize, excavate and develop Sichuan wine's cultural heritage, and explore new ideas, new ways and new paths for cultural inheritance and protection. explore the multiple values of cultural heritage, so that more cultural heritage live, spread and carry forward." Zeng Congqin said.

Hemei Culture, the World expression of Chinese Brands

Culture is not only an important symbol of a country's comprehensive national strength, but also a very important link in brand construction. Excellent brand culture can give brands strong vitality and extraordinary competitiveness.

In this case, Wuliangye pays more attention to the construction of brand culture.

The scene learned that in order to carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, strengthen the cultural confidence to practice the strategy of brand power, and write a chapter of "strong fragrance in a great country" and a beautiful chapter, on the same day, as one of a series of activities of "Sichuan Wine Culture and History Exploration Journey", the special exhibition of "Shu Yun Millennium living cellar producing incense" was launched in Vientiane City of Chengdu.

At the scene of the special exhibition, the curly copper with the head of the elephant's ear was displayed.
