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freedeuceswildpokernodownload| San Francisco Fed President Daly: Restricted interest rates will take more time to take effect

Intro: Mary Daly, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, saidfreedeuceswildpokernodownloadInterest rates are currently damp...

Mary Daly, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, saidfreedeuceswildpokernodownloadInterest rates are currently dampening the economy, but it may take "more time" to bring inflation back to target.

"Our policies are restrictive, but it may take more time to bring inflation down," Daly said at a discussion at George Mason University on Thursday, echoing remarks by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on April 16.

Daly said recent data showed price pressures rebounded earlier this year, highlighting why officials cannot declare victory until they are convinced inflation is contained.

freedeuceswildpokernodownload| San Francisco Fed President Daly: Restricted interest rates will take more time to take effect

"There is now considerable uncertainty about inflation in the coming months and what we should do to respond to it," she said.

The speech showed Fed officials 'willingness to keep benchmark interest rates unchanged untilfreedeuceswildpokernodownloadThey are more confident that inflation will continue to fall back towards the 2% target.
